Sample Work
Digital Content
Black Women and the Struggle for Equality was a three-part webinar series created to highlight the role of Black women in the struggle for equality and to better understand their experiences of being both Black and women in the Park Service and in America. (This project was completed as the Mellon Humanities Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement)
UOP Supplemental Resource Guide
This supplemental resource guide includes fast fact sheets (e.g., unconscious bias & microaggressions); inclusive language guides (e.g., race and ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability); and additional resources (e.g., activists and organizations to follow & read, watch, listen resources).

Educational Resources
This four page fast fact sheet defines disability and ableism, the curb cut effect, and inclusive language around disability and anti-ableism.

Interrupting Ableism in Archaeology (90 mins.)
At some point in your life, you, or someone you may know will experience a temporary or permanent disability. In archaeology, this reality is of particular importance due to the demands of working in the field and the toll it takes on our bodies. Unfortunately, there are many barriers to ensuring that archaeology as a whole is inclusive of people with disabilities—whether they are auditory; cognitive, learning, or neurological; physical; speech, or visual impairments. In this 90-minute introductory conversation, participants will learn more about disability, ableism, and how to begin to address inclusion and accessibility, beyond the physical environment, in archaeology.

Calling Out and Calling In: Developing Tools for Inclusion and Equity Work in Archaeology (3 hrs)
In this 3-hour conversation, participants engage in a deep dive into the impact of unconscious bias and microaggressions in archaeology in five areas (academia; CRM; hiring, promotion, and retention; fieldwork; and training. After identifying (calling out) harmful behaviors and actions in these areas that perpetuate racism, participants are then invited to "call in" solutions to challenge and eliminate these behaviors and actions.

Fighting Systems, Not People:
Navigating Resistance to Inclusion and Equity (90 mins)
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training is a billion-dollar industry. Despite their popularity, they are, in many cases, ineffective. Part of their inefficacy is resistance. Whether it’s from the belief that these trainings won’t create and sustain change, employees feeling victimized or singled-out, or arguments about autonomy and choice, resistance can create the opposite effect of what they are intended to do. This conversation addresses various barriers (communication, political correctness, deeply entrenched bias) to resistance and what we can do to overcome these barriers.